Music That Bites

I like alot of different kinds of music but I hate alot too. Country is too whiney, Hip Hop and Rap is too noisy and repititious. I don't like Opera but some Classical is good.

Now, for the mainstream Rock that everyone seems to love, that I truly loathe. I wish I could pinpoint who I hate the most but I've determined they are all equal. So, here goes in no particular order.
*Bob Seeger
*Bruce Springsteen
*ZZ Top
*Steven Tyler
*REO Speedwagon
*George Thorogood

Seeger is just plain boring and terribly unoriginal.
Springsteen is a great songwriter, I just can't handle him.
ZZ Top sounds exactly the same on every song, typical sell-outs.
Tyler sold out to the record gods. Pink? Love in an Elevator? Are you kidding me???
REO had one good album, the rest is pure garbage.
Thorogood, boring and irritating.

This list will grow over time. Right now I'm drawing a blank. I don't focus on things I hate. When I hear these bands on the radio, I can't turn it off fast enough.